Lifestyle tips

Feeling uncomfortable around family

Being fatter isn't something you can hide. That being said, if you don't want too much embarrassment, eat a bit less when family is around, and eat more when they aren't. Tight clothes likewise should be avoided with family. Get a size or two up if you can.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

Fuck them, enjoy yourself and put them in the situation that you love being you, in time they will leave you alone.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

Though being slim throughout most of my life I always had the desire to gain weight one day. It took until now to finally let go a bit... The problem is: I get reaaally uncomfortable when being around family. Though really wanting to gain weight and being aroused quite a bit by those thoughts, I am really anxious that my family will notice the gain.... My mother did and literally poked my belly recently and I really didn't like it.... How did you manage to get more comfortable with visibly gaining weight?

I totally understand. It was the same for me. In my case, I wound up accepting a job offer that placed me hundreds of miles away from my nearest family members. I had to start from scratch, since I did not know anyone in the area. This gave me the opportunity to gain weight without concern about what my family would think.

When my family members finally saw me again, I had already gained quite a bit of weight. At one point, my sister mentioned something about my weight, but it sounded like she was just curious.

As an added bonus, my workplace has very high turnover. We're constantly losing people and hiring new ones. As a result, I have a bunch of co-workers who have only ever known me as a fat person.

Relocating for this job was one of the main reasons I felt comfortable finally giving in and intentionally getting fat.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

You are an adult and if you want to gain then do it.
There will be comments but you need to stop worrying what they think.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

I put on 100 or so pounds in the last 2 years and I cannot honestly say I’ve gotten much flack for it, and the few times It was Brought up it wasn’t done in a nasty way at all; I think people overthink because we sexualize our bodies it becomes a focus of us, where as people outside this fetish aren’t focused on it at all, of course not everyone will have positive experiences and it sucks but I don’t think the overwhelming majority of people are out to hurt the feelings of fat people
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

Good points MA Beast.
People with the fetish think about it all the time people outside don't.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

The last time I gained, I shot up (and out lol) pretty rapidly, packing on 70-ish pounds between August 2012 and early December 2012. My mom fat-shamed me the moment she saw me ("Oh my God, what happened to you? I'm so worried about your health!). I got flack from a couple of other friends, one said, "Whoa, what happened?" and another one (very tactless ex-acquaintance) looked at me, horrified, and said, "You got fat!" Other than that, I didn't experience an abundance of shaming from anyone except Mom who constantly nitpicked "You don't need to eat that" and "You need to exercise." I'm super sensitive, so yeah, I took it pretty hard. This time around I am taking my time, though, and I am going to tell her upfront that I won't be fat-shamed and that I'm finally on meds that work for me (which is the total truth).
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

My Mom has been the worst hater of me being fat.
The rest of my family got used to it and saw that I was finally happy,healthy and off drugs.
Mom on the other hand grew up in NYC and she is loud and vocal about everything.
Doesn't care what she says to anyone.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

My wife had to go through a lot of this with her mom.

I was the first guy she ever brought home. I think she had given up on her daughter ever finding stable love.
She's a good caring person, but also EXTREMELY trad and old-fashioned.
So she told me, RIGHT IN FRONT of her daughter, "You're the man, you have to put her on a diet and make her slim down!"

Good thing she was confident in her body and had my support.
We talked about it and she understood her mom was just concerned about her. "Normal girls" aren't "supposed" to literally quadruple in size and become so massive they take up two seats on the train and need help standing back up. So mom assumed she was helping her "little" girl out.

But mom realized her girl was happier, healthier, and lovelier than ever in her life as she kept gaining weight. So she gave in and accepted the fact that she was the proud parent of a super obese lady, and give her love.
2 years

Feeling uncomfortable around family

My father is the same way... looks down on fat people so if I was ever to gain 70 pounds that quick I'm sure I wouldn't hear the end of it. But what fun we could have...

Fat On The Inside:
The last time I gained, I shot up (and out lol) pretty rapidly, packing on 70-ish pounds between August 2012 and early December 2012. My mom fat-shamed me the moment she saw me ("Oh my God, what happened to you? I'm so worried about your health!). I got flack from a couple of other friends, one said, "Whoa, what happened?" and another one (very tactless ex-acquaintance) looked at me, horrified, and said, "You got fat!" Other than that, I didn't experience an abundance of shaming from anyone except Mom who constantly nitpicked "You don't need to eat that" and "You need to exercise." I'm super sensitive, so yeah, I took it pretty hard. This time around I am taking my time, though, and I am going to tell her upfront that I won't be fat-shamed and that I'm finally on meds that work for me (which is the total truth).
10 months
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